Package org.acmsl.queryj

Class Summary
AtomicCondition Represents indivisible conditions in statements.
Condition Represents conditions.
ConditionFactory Has the responsiblity of knowing how to create conditions.
ConditionFactory._AtomicConditionWrapper Envelopes a condition surrounding it with appropiate prefix and suffix.
ConditionFactory._ConditionWrapper Envelopes a condition surrounding it with appropiate prefix and suffix.
ConditionFactory._VariableConditionWrapper Envelopes a variable condition surrounding it with appropiate prefix and suffix.
ConditionOperator Represents operators used inside conditions.
ConditionOperatorRepository Contains references to declared operators.
Field Represents SQL fields.
IntField Represents integer fields.
NestedConditionOperator Represents condition operators involving nested queries SQL statements.
Query Represents queries to access persistent data.
QueryFactory Has the responsiblity of knowing how to create queries.
QueryResultSet Represents standard SQL queries.
QueryUtils Provides some useful methods when working with queries.
SelectQuery Represents standard SQL select queries.
Table Represents relational tables.
TableAlias Represents SQL fields.
VariableCondition Represents conditions in SQL statements.

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