Packages that use Field | |
org.acmsl.queryj | |
org.acmsl.queryj.rdb.oracle |
Uses of Field in org.acmsl.queryj |
Subclasses of Field in org.acmsl.queryj | |
class |
Represents integer fields. |
Methods in org.acmsl.queryj that return Field | |
Field |
Retrieves the left-side field. |
Field |
Retrieves the right-side field. |
Field |
Retrieves the left-side field. |
Field |
Retrieves the right-side field. |
Field |
Retrieves the left-side field. |
Field |
Retrieves the right-side field. |
abstract Field[] |
Retrieves all fields. |
Methods in org.acmsl.queryj with parameters of type Field | |
protected void |
SelectQuery.addField(Field field)
Adds a new field. |
protected int |
SelectQuery.getFieldIndex(Field field)
Retrieves the position of given field on the query. |
protected void |
SelectQuery.addOrderingField(Field orderingField)
Adds a new ordering field. |
protected int |
SelectQuery.getOrderingFieldIndex(Field field)
Retrieves the position of given ordering field on the query. |
protected void |
SelectQuery.addGroupingField(Field groupingField)
Adds a new grouping field. |
protected int |
SelectQuery.getGroupingFieldIndex(Field field)
Retrieves the position of given grouping field on the query. |
void |
SelectQuery.select(Field field)
Selects a field. |
void |
SelectQuery.groupBy(Field groupingField)
Indicates a field to be used to group the results. |
void |
SelectQuery.orderBy(Field orderingField)
Indicates a field to be used to order the results. |
int |
SelectQuery.executeUpdate(java.lang.String sql,
Field[] fields)
Executes given update operation using field references. |
boolean |
SelectQuery.execute(java.lang.String sql,
Field[] fields)
Executes given update operation using field references. |
Condition |
ConditionFactory.createCondition(Field leftSideField,
ConditionOperator operator,
Field rightSideField)
Creates a condition |
Condition |
ConditionFactory.createCondition(Field leftSideField,
ConditionOperator operator,
Field rightSideField)
Creates a condition |
Condition |
ConditionFactory.createCondition(Field leftSideField,
ConditionOperator operator,
int value)
Creates a condition |
VariableCondition |
ConditionFactory.createVariableCondition(Field field,
ConditionOperator operator)
Creates a variable condition. |
protected void |
AtomicCondition.setLeftSideField(Field leftSideField)
Specifies the left side field. |
protected void |
AtomicCondition.setRightSideField(Field rightSideField)
Specifies the right side field. |
byte[] |
QueryResultSet.getBytes(Field field)
Retrieves a byte array value using the field reference. |
boolean |
QueryResultSet.getBoolean(Field field)
Retrieves a boolean value using the field reference. |
long |
QueryResultSet.getLong(Field field)
Retrieves a boolean value using the field reference. |
java.lang.Object |
QueryResultSet.getObject(Field field)
Retrieves an object value using the field reference. |
java.lang.Object |
QueryResultSet.getObject(Field field,
java.util.Map map)
Retrieves an object value using the field reference. |
java.sql.Ref |
QueryResultSet.getRef(Field field)
Retrieves a Ref value using the field reference. |
java.sql.Time |
QueryResultSet.getTime(Field field)
Retrieves a Time value using the field reference. |
java.sql.Time |
QueryResultSet.getTime(Field field,
java.util.Calendar calendar)
Retrieves a Time value using the field reference. |
java.sql.Date |
QueryResultSet.getDate(Field field)
Retrieves a Date value using the field reference. |
java.sql.Date |
QueryResultSet.getDate(Field field,
java.util.Calendar calendar)
Retrieves a Date value using the field reference. |
byte |
QueryResultSet.getByte(Field field)
Retrieves a byte value using the field reference. |
short |
QueryResultSet.getShort(Field field)
Retrieves a short value using the field reference. |
int |
QueryResultSet.getInt(Field field)
Retrieves an integer value using the field reference. |
float |
QueryResultSet.getFloat(Field field)
Retrieves a float value using the field reference. |
double |
QueryResultSet.getDouble(Field field)
Retrieves a double value using the field reference. |
java.lang.String |
QueryResultSet.getString(Field field)
Retrieves a text value using the field reference. |
java.sql.Array |
QueryResultSet.getArray(Field field)
Retrieves an array value using the field reference. |
java.io.InputStream |
QueryResultSet.getAsciiStream(Field field)
Retrieves an ASCII stream using the field reference. |
java.math.BigDecimal |
QueryResultSet.getBigDecimal(Field field,
int scale)
Retrieves a BigDecimal value using the field reference. |
java.math.BigDecimal |
QueryResultSet.getBigDecimal(Field field)
Retrieves a BigDecimal value using the field reference. |
java.io.InputStream |
QueryResultSet.getBinaryStream(Field field)
Retrieves a binary stream using the field reference. |
java.sql.Blob |
QueryResultSet.getBlob(Field field)
Retrieves a blob using the field reference. |
java.sql.Clob |
QueryResultSet.getClob(Field field)
Retrieves a clob value using the field reference. |
java.sql.Timestamp |
QueryResultSet.getTimestamp(Field field)
Retrieves a timestamp value using the field reference. |
java.sql.Timestamp |
QueryResultSet.getTimestamp(Field field,
java.util.Calendar calendar)
Retrieves a timestamp value using the field reference. |
java.io.InputStream |
QueryResultSet.getUnicodeStream(Field field)
Retrieves an Unicode stream using the field reference. |
java.io.Reader |
QueryResultSet.getCharacterStream(Field field)
Retrieves a character stream using the field reference. |
java.net.URL |
QueryResultSet.getURL(Field field)
Retrieves an URL using the field reference. |
int |
QueryResultSet.findColumn(Field field)
Retrieves the column index associated to given field. |
void |
QueryResultSet.updateAsciiStream(Field field,
java.io.InputStream value,
int length)
Updates an ASCII stream column using the field reference. |
void |
QueryResultSet.updateBigDecimal(Field field,
java.math.BigDecimal value)
See ResultSet#updateBigDecimal(String,BigDecimal) |
void |
QueryResultSet.updateBinaryStream(Field field,
java.io.InputStream value,
int length)
Updates a binary stream column using the field reference. |
void |
QueryResultSet.updateBoolean(Field field,
boolean value)
Updates a boolean column using the field reference. |
void |
QueryResultSet.updateByte(Field field,
byte value)
Updates a byte column using the field reference. |
void |
QueryResultSet.updateBytes(Field field,
byte[] value)
Updates a byte array column using the field reference. |
void |
QueryResultSet.updateCharacterStream(Field field,
java.io.Reader value,
int length)
Updates a character stream column using the field reference. |
void |
QueryResultSet.updateDate(Field field,
java.sql.Date value)
Updates a date column using the field reference. |
void |
QueryResultSet.updateDouble(Field field,
double value)
Updates a double column using the field reference. |
void |
QueryResultSet.updateFloat(Field field,
float value)
Updates a float column using the field reference. |
void |
QueryResultSet.updateInt(Field field,
int value)
Updates an integer column using the field reference. |
void |
QueryResultSet.updateLong(Field field,
long value)
Updates a long column using the field reference. |
void |
QueryResultSet.updateNull(Field field)
Sets a column to null using the field reference. |
void |
QueryResultSet.updateObject(Field field,
java.lang.Object value,
int scale)
Updates an object column using the field reference. |
void |
QueryResultSet.updateObject(Field field,
java.lang.Object value)
Updates an object column using the field reference. |
void |
QueryResultSet.updateShort(Field field,
short value)
Updates a short column using the field reference. |
void |
QueryResultSet.updateString(Field field,
java.lang.String value)
Updates a text column using the field reference. |
void |
QueryResultSet.updateTime(Field field,
java.sql.Time value)
Updates a time column using the field reference. |
void |
QueryResultSet.updateTimestamp(Field field,
java.sql.Timestamp value)
Updates a timestamp column using the field reference. |
void |
QueryResultSet.updateRef(Field field,
java.sql.Ref value)
Updates a Ref column using the field reference. |
void |
QueryResultSet.updateBlob(Field field,
java.sql.Blob value)
Updates a Blob column using the field bloberence. |
void |
QueryResultSet.updateClob(Field field,
java.sql.Clob value)
Updates a Clob column using the field cloberence. |
void |
QueryResultSet.updateArray(Field field,
java.sql.Array value)
Updates a Array column using the field arrayerence. |
Constructors in org.acmsl.queryj with parameters of type Field | |
VariableCondition(Field field,
ConditionOperator operator)
Creates a variable condition using given information. |
AtomicCondition(Field leftSideField,
ConditionOperator operator,
Field rightSideField)
Creates a condition using given information. |
AtomicCondition(Field leftSideField,
ConditionOperator operator,
Field rightSideField)
Creates a condition using given information. |
AtomicCondition(Field leftSideField,
ConditionOperator operator,
java.lang.String rightSideValue)
Creates a condition using given information. |
AtomicCondition(Field leftSideField,
ConditionOperator operator,
int rightSideValue)
Creates a condition using given information. |
Uses of Field in org.acmsl.queryj.rdb.oracle |
Fields in org.acmsl.queryj.rdb.oracle declared as Field | |
static Field |
The Cardtypes table TYPEID field. |
static Field |
The Cardtypes table TYPETEXT field. |
static Field[] |
All fields. |
Methods in org.acmsl.queryj.rdb.oracle that return Field | |
Field[] |
Retrieves all fields. |