Uses of Class

Packages that use Table

Uses of Table in org.acmsl.queryj

Methods in org.acmsl.queryj that return Table
 Table TableAlias.getTable()
          Retrieves the table.
 Table Field.getTable()
          Retrieves the field table.

Methods in org.acmsl.queryj with parameters of type Table
 void SelectQuery.from(Table table)
          Indicates which table participates in the query.
protected  void Query.addTable(Table table)
          Adds a new table.
protected  void TableAlias.setTable(Table table)
          Specifies the table.
protected  void Field.setTable(Table table)
          Specifies the field table.

Constructors in org.acmsl.queryj with parameters of type Table
TableAlias(java.lang.String name, Table table)
          Creates a table alias using given information.
IntField(java.lang.String name, Table table)
          Creates an integer field using given information.
Field(java.lang.String name, Table table)
          Creates a field using given information.

Uses of Table in

Subclasses of Table in
 class CardtypeTable
          Represents the Cardtype table in the persistence domain.

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