Uses of Class

Packages that use VariableCondition

Uses of VariableCondition in org.acmsl.queryj

Subclasses of VariableCondition in org.acmsl.queryj
protected static class ConditionFactory._VariableConditionWrapper
          Envelopes a variable condition surrounding it with appropiate prefix and suffix.

Methods in org.acmsl.queryj that return VariableCondition
 VariableCondition ConditionFactory.createVariableCondition(Field field, ConditionOperator operator)
          Creates a variable condition.
 VariableCondition ConditionFactory.wrap(VariableCondition condition, java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String suffix)
          Creates a wrapper condition.
 VariableCondition ConditionFactory._VariableConditionWrapper.getCondition()
          Retrieves the wrapped condition.
 VariableCondition Field.equals()
          Retrieves the variable condition to be able to filter for equality.
 VariableCondition Field.notEquals()
          Retrieves the variable condition to be able to filter for non-equality.
 VariableCondition Field.greaterThan()
          Retrieves the variable condition to be able to filter for lower values.
 VariableCondition Field.lessThan()
          Retrieves the variable condition to be able to filter for greater values.
 VariableCondition query)
          Retrieves the variable condition to be able to filter for values using belongs-to relationships.
 VariableCondition Field.notIn(SelectQuery query)
          Retrieves the variable condition to be able to filter for values using not-belongs-to relationships.

Methods in org.acmsl.queryj with parameters of type VariableCondition
 void SelectQuery.where(VariableCondition variableCondition)
          Indicates a query variable condition.
 VariableCondition ConditionFactory.wrap(VariableCondition condition, java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String suffix)
          Creates a wrapper condition.
protected  void ConditionFactory._VariableConditionWrapper.setCondition(VariableCondition condition)
          Specifies the condition to wrap.
protected  void Query.addVariableCondition(VariableCondition variableCondition)
          Adds a new variable condition.
 void Query.setTime(VariableCondition condition, java.sql.Time value)
          Specifies the value of a time parameter, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setTime(VariableCondition condition, java.sql.Time value, java.util.Calendar calendar)
          Specifies the value of a time parameter, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setBoolean(VariableCondition condition, boolean value)
          Specifies the value of a boolean parameter, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setByte(VariableCondition condition, byte value)
          Specifies the value of a byte parameter, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setShort(VariableCondition condition, short value)
          Specifies the value of a short parameter, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setInt(VariableCondition condition, int value)
          Specifies the value of an int parameter, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setLong(VariableCondition condition, long value)
          Specifies the value of a long parameter, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setFloat(VariableCondition condition, float value)
          Specifies the value of a float parameter, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setDouble(VariableCondition condition, double value)
          Specifies the value of a double parameter, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setNull(VariableCondition condition, int sqlType)
          Specifies as null the value of a parameter, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setNull(VariableCondition condition, int sqlType, java.lang.String typeName)
          Specifies as null the value of a parameter, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setString(VariableCondition condition, java.lang.String value)
          Specifies the value of a String parameter, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setArray(VariableCondition condition, java.sql.Array value)
          Specifies the value of an Array parameter, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setAsciiStream(VariableCondition condition, inputStream, int length)
          Specifies the value of a parameter formatted as an ASCII stream, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setBigDecimal(VariableCondition condition, java.math.BigDecimal value)
          Specifies the value of a BigDecimal parameter, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setBinaryStream(VariableCondition condition, inputStream, int length)
          Specifies the value of a parameter formatted as a binary stream, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setBlob(VariableCondition condition, java.sql.Blob value)
          Specifies the value of a blob parameter, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setBytes(VariableCondition condition, byte[] value)
          Specifies the value of a byte array parameter, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setCharacterStream(VariableCondition condition, reader, int length)
          Specifies the value of a parameter formatted as a binary stream, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setClob(VariableCondition condition, java.sql.Clob value)
          Specifies the value of a clob parameter, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setDate(VariableCondition condition, java.sql.Date value)
          Specifies the value of a date parameter, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setDate(VariableCondition condition, java.sql.Date value, java.util.Calendar calendar)
          Specifies the value of a date parameter, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setObject(VariableCondition condition, java.lang.Object value, int sqlType, int scale)
          Specifies the value of an object parameter, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setObject(VariableCondition condition, java.lang.Object value, int sqlType)
          Specifies the value of an object parameter, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setObject(VariableCondition condition, java.lang.Object value)
          Specifies the value of an object parameter, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setRef(VariableCondition condition, java.sql.Ref value)
          Specifies the value of a ref parameter, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setTimestamp(VariableCondition condition, java.sql.Timestamp value)
          Specifies the value of a timestamp parameter, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setTimestamp(VariableCondition condition, java.sql.Timestamp value, java.util.Calendar calendar)
          Specifies the value of a timestamp parameter, associated with a previously specified variable condition.
 void Query.setUnicodeStream(VariableCondition condition, inputStream, int length)
          Specifies the value of a parameter formatted as an Unicode stream, associated with a previously specified variable condition.

Constructors in org.acmsl.queryj with parameters of type VariableCondition
ConditionFactory._VariableConditionWrapper(VariableCondition condition, java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String suffix)
          Creates a condition wrapper with given information.

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